Compliance by design: Client specific multilingual statements

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Published 30 March 2023

In Australia, aged care recipients come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. It is important to recognise this in everything we do and in line with Aged Care Quality Standards. According to Standard 1 of the Aged Care Quality Standards aged care providers must ensure that their services are accessible and responsive to the cultural and linguistic needs of their clients. This means that they must provide information in different languages and respect the cultural heritage of clients.


The importance of providing aged care recipients with information in different languages cannot be overstated. For many elderly people who speak a language other than English, accessing aged care services can be a daunting experience. When they do not understand the information provided, they may feel overwhelmed, confused, and isolated. They may also struggle to communicate their needs effectively, which can impact the quality of care they receive.


Providing information in a person’s native language can help to bridge the communication gap and ensure that they have a clear understanding of their care needs. It also shows that their culture and heritage are valued and respected. For many aged care recipients, their language and cultural identity are an essential part of their sense of self, and it is important that this is acknowledged and supported. TurnPoint offers the following languages:

  • Chinese
  • Arabic
  • Turkish
  • Vietnamese
  • Polish
  • Italian
  • Greek
  • Macedonian
  • Serbian
  • Croatian
  • Spanish
  • English

Recognising the requirements of Standard 1 of the Aged Care Quality Standards, TurnPoint has developed the ability to produce monthly statements in an array of different languages and dialects. Providers are able to select language preferences at the individual client level, enabling users to tailor the statements to the individual preferences of specific clients. We have provided an example below of a consumer statement produced in Mandarin Chinese.

Providing aged care recipients with information in different languages and respecting their cultural heritage is essential for delivering quality aged care services. By doing so, aged care providers can ensure that their clients have a clear understanding of their care needs, feel valued and respected, and receive care that is tailored to their cultural preferences and beliefs.

More information on this feature can be accessed via the TurnPoint Knowledge Base. We have published a specific article on how this feature can be managed, and how it can  be turned on for individual clients.

If you want to know more about this feature, or better understand how it can be used, please feel free to contact TurnPoint via email at